About Me

I am a self-taught Junior Front End Developer that is resourceful, approachable, proactive, and self-reliant.

I have experience working independently and as part of a team, providing me with numerous transferable skills throughout my career that have helped me reach professional success and many personal accomplishments.

I have been involved with Front End Development since 2019; using HTML, CSS (SCSS), and JavaScript. I also have experience using frameworks such as React and Vue, additional to backend technologies such as Node.js, Express.js, mongoDB, and MySQL. I have used Python briefly for a cryptocurrency project, and I am currently working towards a PHP and MYSQL certification. I aim in the future to implement Test Driven Development in my work and become more proficient with backend development.

I am always ready to take on challenges and like to stay busy in my spare time through learning and proactive hobbies, including Web development, trading Crypto-Currency / Stocks and Shares, making music, cooking, and playing online collaborative team games. I also cycle to keep fit, and I am a keen swimmer.

You can find a copy of my most up to date CV here.

Why Develop for Web?

ᐅ The Web is a major aspect of everyone’s lives, it's a key to spreading knowledge, facilitating business services, and providing a platform for socialising online.

ᐅ I have gained many transferable skills from my experience in Cancer Diagnosis Laboratories and in Software Development Recruitment. However, I want to dedicate the rest of my career to Web development.

ᐅ I joined Software Development Recruitment to understand more about the career that I always wanted to get into. I have since learnt that it is a career with longevity, facilitating creativity, communication, and problem solving.

ᐅ Web technology is always changing and evolving. It involves cutting edge software innovation, lightweight builds, and performant software development (Node.js web / desktop apps, cloud hosting, multiplatform app release).

ᐅ It's a multi-platform environment where apps are accessible anywhere over the Internet at any time (as long as you have a reliable internet connection 👀).

Front End Skills

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SVG Graphics
SVG Graphics

Adobe XD
Adobe XD





Back End Skills

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Node and Express.js
Node and Express.js




Other Useful Skills

Github / Git Version Control
Github / Git Version Control


Bash / ZSH Console
Bash and ZSH Console


Node Package Manager
Node Package Manager


Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code


XAMMP Server
XAMMP Server


My Portfolio Page

App Summary:

The website you are viewing now has been developed so that it is as lightweight as possible using only HTML, CSS, and Vanilla Javascript. Most of the graphics used are SVG based, so that graphic resolution can be maintained where possible.

The purpose of this app is to demonstrate some of my capabilities as a self-taught Junior front End Developer.

Project Updates

  1. Attach website to CRM, potentially replacing Handlebars templating with Gatsby.js.
  2. Minify project using Webpack.
  3. Implement NodeMailer to handle contact form.

Tech Used

Front End - HTML / SASS / Javascript
Backend - Netlify


App Summary:

This app is strictly a Front-End based development hosted on Firebase.
The purpose of this app is to demonstrate using the TMDB API and rendering data to a familiar interface.

Please click on the project image on the left to view the project!

Project Updates:

  1. Some of the JSON data on the TMDB API links to wrong trailers for certain posters. An update will be released to allow for the correct trailer to display.
  2. Minor UI improvements to accurately mimic the current Netflix Website.
  3. Display only Netflix related content.
  4. Create Netflix Login Page.

Tech Used:

Front End - HTML / SASS / Javascript / React.js
Backend - Firebase

Nintendo.co.uk - Redesign

App Summary:

This app is strictly a Front-End based development hosted on Firebase. The purpose of this project is to implement an E-commerce application through utilising Stripe API and Gatsby.js.

Please click on the project image on the left to view the project!

Project Updates:

  1. Major ongoing UI improvements - this website is still being built and updated daily.
  2. Aiming to implement Stripe API or Shopify plugins into project.

Tech Used

Front End - HTML / Sass / Javascript / Gatsby.js
Backend - TBC

URL Shortener

This project is ongoing and will be published soon.

App Summary:

Project Updates

Tech Used

Front End - HTML / Sass / Javascript / Vue.js
Backend - Node.js / Mongo DB



Front End Developer

June 2021 - Present

Part of a vibrant and global software development team focused on bringing non-fungible tokens (NFT) to the masses!

As a front-end developer, I work alongside Designers, Backend Engineers, and often collaborate closely with the CTO and CEO to bring ideas into fruition.

I am currently working on a project commissioned for a popular UK based artist that facilitates the sale of celebrity curated NFT’s . (More info on this soon!).

Some of the technology I work with includes:

  • The Stacks 2.0 Blockchain
  • Vue.js
  • HTML5 / Sass
  • Git / SourceTree / Docker
  • Atlassian: Trello and Confluence

The Training Room

Web Development Student

Mar 2021 - Present

Web Development that includes the following modules:

ᐅ CIW: Advanced HTML5 and CSS3 Specialist - Certified
ᐅ CIW: JavaScript Specialist (1D0-735) - Certified
ᐅ PHP and MySQL Web Development - Ongoing
ᐅ React - Ongoing

Extra Modules not specific to Web / Software Development:
ᐅ CIW: Internet Business Associate (1D0-61A) - Completed
ᐅ CIW: Network Technology Associate (1D0-61C) - Completed
ᐅ CIW: Site Development Associate (1D0-61B) - Completed

Hunter AHP Recruitment

Senior Consultant - Biomedical Sciences

Oct 2020 - Mar 2021

Led Biomedical Science Recruitment at Hunter AHP.
Sectors: Biochemistry, Haematology, Blood Transfusion, Immunology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Virology, Histopathology, Cytology.

ᐅ Built a successful 360 market through client and candidate engagement across 10 different sectors, including 9 different levels of expertise (Bands 2-8 additional to Executive staffing roles) across Private and NHS sites within the UK.

ᐅ Secured a £8k contract placing a pathology manager in Jersey within the second week of joining. Other clients also included: The Department of Health and Social Care, Retinue, and BHR Hospitals.

Key skills utilised: Building a healthcare sector recruitment market during winter pressures and COVID-19 required the ability to work under pressure, utilising organisational skills and forward planning. The key to building and managing a successful market was to employ strategies and tactics to capitalise on opportunity as soon as possible.

Solution based consultation through listening, understanding, and evaluation were key to winning candidate and client relationships within this role.

Michael Page Recruitment

Associate Consultant - Software Development

Aug 2019 - Oct 2020

Led Contract Software Development Recruitment at Michael Page along with Permanent C# Software Development Recruitment.

Contract Software Development Recruitment
ᐅ Front End Software Development (Javascript, React, Vue.js, Angular).
ᐅ Backend Software Development (Ruby, PHP, Java, Scala, C#, Node.js, Python Django).
*Tech Stack Considerations: MVC vs Microservices Architectures, Cloud integration (Azure, AWS), Test Driven Development (TDD).

Permanent Software Development Recruitment for C# Software Developers.
ᐅ Web Development (Backend, Front-End, Fullstack, MVC, Microservices).
ᐅ Desktop Development (MVVM, WPF, Winforms, UWP).
ᐅ Mobile Development (Xamarin).

UK Care for Children

Fundraising officer

June - Sept 2016 / May - Nov 2017

Led a dynamic and energetic team by planning and executing fundraising events, from organising a mountain climb to hosting a Televised fundraiser on SKY TV.

Key achievements: Motivated others to successfully beat historical fundraising targets. Successfully delivered on fundraising projects on time.

Health Service Laboratories

Histopathology Laboratory Assistant (Cancer Diagnosis)

Nov 2017 - Apr 2019

Worked as a part of the scientific team involved in the diagnosis of Cancer and benign Diseases from Histological samples; processing surgical tissue for microscopic and macroscopic examination within the NHS.

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust- Hammersmith Hospital

Trainee Biomedical Scientist in Histopathology (Cancer Diagnosis)

Sep 2015 - Apr 2016

The Money Shop

Customer Service Rep, Safe Controller

Feb 2013 - Sep 2013


University of Westminster

Hons Bsc Biomedical Sciences, 2:1

2013 - 2017 including Industrial Experience

Get in touch

Location: Shepherds Bush, London, United Kingdom.

Contact Number: 07455 18 16 07

Email: Kwaj93@gmail.com


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